
WOD 08.13.16

Buy in:

Teams of 2 Or 3 


-row 250m 

-hold 2 53/35lb KB’s racked beneath your chin while partner rows 250m

Alternate and repeat for 3 rounds, rowing must cease if partner must drop bells, (advanced athletes scale up weight) taken  from gym jones 


21-15-9 reps for time:

Medball slam, 50/40lbs

Toes 2 bar

Handstand push-up*

*scale to boxes, if scaling and can do more than 7 consecutive, you scaled too far) 

Post time to beyond the whiteboard.

CrossFit Ruck

Ascending suicide sprint ladder (0-100m / 10m splits)

– 10 burpees before each round

– for extra suffering: advance a burden carry 10m each round