WOD 01.18.22

January 18, 2023by webteam

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Partner conditioning:

Tailpipe – Partner WOD

In teams of 2, complete 5 rounds for time of:
250 m Row
Kettlebell Hold 53 lbs

Partner A rows 250m while Partner B holds two 53# kettlebells in the front rack position. Kettlebells must stay above the chest. If the kettlebells drop below the chest, both partners must do 5 burpees.
Post total time.


CrossFit Games Open 12.3

Complete as many rounds as possible in 18 mins of:
15 Box Jumps, 24/20 in
12 Push Press, 115/75 lbs
9 Toes-to-bars

Post times and rounds to beyond the whiteboard.