Forged Friday

December 9, 2021by webteam

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CrossFit has a tradition of creating workouts to honor those lost in tragedy and tomorrow we will honor those lost at Oxford High School with our own physical suffering and sweat. This WOD was written by Bryan Beaune who runs a box in Oxford, From tragedy we are reminded to love a little harder and breathe with a little more gratitude. We honor those lost with our efforts and with loving those still here.


Tate Myre (#42), 16-year-old

Hana St. Juliana, 14-year-old

Madisyn Baldwin, 17-year-old

Justin Shilling, 17 years old

The workout


AMRAP in 40 minutes:

42 cal

14 deadlift 225/135

17 pull ups

17 push ups

#oxfordstrong #oxford #bytcrossfitoxfordmi

Post rounds to beyond the whiteboard.