Forged Friday

September 3, 2021by webteam

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Today we honor David Espinoza, Nicole Gee, Taylor Hoover, Hunter Lopez, Rylee McCollum, Dylan Merola, Kareem Nikolai, Daegan Page, Johanny Rosario, Humberto Sanchez, Jared Schmitz, Ryan Knauss and Max Soviak, the 13 marines killed on August 26th 2021. Our thoughts and prayers are with their family, our marines and military Tribesmen and women, as well as the rest of our soldiers. Give up a seat, buy a meal or just dap them up. Show our boys and girls some love, they need it right now.

The brave never die, they sleep in dust. Their courage nerves a thousand living men. -Minot J. Savage


“Devil Dogs 13”

This WOD is a total of 39 minutes long, divided into three 13 minute AMRAPs. Each 13 minute rounds begins with an 800m run, (if you have a ruck or vest wear it for the 800’s and the body weight portions).

AMRAP in 13 minutes:

Buy in: 800m run

In the remaining time, find a 1Rep Max Power Clean

AMRAP in 13 minutes;

Buy in: 800m run

In the remaining time, perform as many rounds as possible of:

13 burpess

1 rope climb

AMRAP in 13 minutes:

Buy in 800m run

In the remaining time, perform as many rounds as possible of:

5 strict chin ups

10 GHD or AbMat sit-ups

15 air squats

Post loads and rounds to beyond the whiteboard.