Quarantine 20.10

March 25, 2020by webteam

josh quarantined 01 1

Quarantine 20.10

Strength: Deadlift, 5-5-5-5-5


Dumbbell/Kettlebell deadlift, 15-15-15-15


Odd object/couch deadlift, 15-15-15-15


1^10^1 reps for time, (up and down the ladder):

Barbell Access:

Alternate grip knees 2 elbows/supine toes to “bar”

Power snatches, 75/55lbs

Dumbbell/Kettlebell Access:

Alternate grip knees 2 elbows/supine toes to “bar”

Dumbbell/kettlebell American swings, (50/53lbs)/35lbs

No equipment Access:

Alternate grip knees 2 elbows/supine toes to “bar”

Odd object ground to over head, AHAP suggested max of 75/55lbs, (bag of dog food, heavy pack, sandbag, duffle bag, small child, etc)

Check Tribe Page or YouTube for cue up.

Post loads and times to beyond the whiteboard.