Quarantine 20.4

March 19, 2020by webteam

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Couch, (odd object), deadlift, 8-12 , 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12

Coaching tips:

-sumo deadlift setup

-vary the reps according to weight, remember your ritual

-lean into the couch

-remember your breath

-grip the floor, (guerrilla hands for feet)

-side note…check your surroundings, make sure you aren’t damaging your couch or floor or anything around it

-please please post vids


Quarantine Cindy

AMRAP in 20 minutes:

5 pull-ups/table inverted rows/odd object rows each arm

10 push-ups

15 air squats

Post time lapse vids and rounds to beyond the whiteboard.

Coaching tips:

-Focus on virtuosity, doing the common uncommonly well, (deep squats, great spinal position

– test your grip, odd objects often challenge grip very differently (my dining room table is hella slick bc it’s glass)

-use 1 arm row if needed, hit each side

-basement stairs often make good pull-up options

-Pushups chest to floor

Check the tribe page or the gram form video demos and more.