Christmas Crippler

December 19, 2015by webteam

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The 2015 Christmas Crippler WOD is 30 reps of 3 barbell movements with another movement mixed in Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM).Elite Division WOD

For Time:

30 Front Squats (185/155)

30 Shoulder To Overhead (185/155)

30 Clean (185/155)

EMOM: 5 CTB Pull Ups
Rx Division WOD

For Time:
30 Front Squats (135/95)

30 Shoulder To Overhead (135/95)

30 Clean (135/95)

EMOM: 5 Pull Ups
Scaled Division WOD

For Time:
30 Front Squats (95/65)

30 Shoulder To Overhead (95/65)

30 Clean (95/65)

EMOM: 3 Toes To Bar or 3 Burpees
Party Division WOD

For Time:
30 Front Squats (64/45)

30 Shoulder To Overhead (65/45)

30 Clean (65/45)

EMOM: 2 Burpees or 5 seconds of freestyle dance…it’s the party division.
Sandbag Division WOD

For Time:

Run 1/2 Mile

30 Sandbag Thrusters (50/25)

30 Sandbag Tosses (50/25)

30 Walking Lunges (50/25)

EMOM: 5 Burpees


Run 1/2 Mile