Today is Forged Friday at New Species CrossFit. As athletes and coaches we must take notice and be thankful for the fact that we live in a country that is free and safe. Sacrifices are made everyday by our First Responders as well as our U.S. Military.
Be sure to recognize these individuals every chance you get. Whether it be a handshake, an anonymous gift or participating in a fund raiser for law enforcement or U.S. Veterans; Take action and go out of your way to thank these everyday heroes for the work that they do.
This is Forged Friday.
Always support our Troops and First Responders. God Bless America!
2 minute AP
5 min RC of:
-Lateral Lunge
-Bushman Pose
-Plank Shoulder Tap
3 rounds of:
-20m Bear Crawl Forward
-20m Bear Crawl Backward
With a 20 minute running clock-execute the following movements:
x10 WBS (30/20/14)
*Remainder of minute = Burden Rest with any of the following -Rack Hold:
•Kettle Bells
x10 RKBS (106/70/53)
*Remainder of minute = Rest in Hand Supported Plank position.