Today is September 11th. Today is also Forged Friday. Every Friday we take the time to honor our U.S. Military and First Responders. On this day however, we must be mindful of the events that occurred on a clear sunny late summer day in September of 2001. For it was on this day, 14 years ago that Al Qaeda terrorists aboard three hijacked passenger planes carried out coordinated suicide attacks against the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.. These horrible actions resulted in killing everyone on board the planes and nearly 3,000 people on the ground. A fourth plane crashed into a Pennsylvania field, killing all on board, after passengers and crew attempted to wrest control from the hijackers. This day will live in infamy to be known as 9/11 – the largest loss of life by a foreign attack on American soil.
Among the casualties, approximately 400 were Police Officers and Firefighters. On this, Forged Friday, September 11th we honor the civilians and First Responders that perished as a result of this tragic event.
As coaches and athletes we ask that you hit today’s programming with all you can muster.
Always support our Troops and First Responders. God Bless America!
2m AP
30/20/*30 *OH-JumpSquat
3 Rounds of:
x10 AKBS *Light
x5 Plate SitUp (25/10)
*Objective: Succeed in finding a very challenging 5 rep set.
**Linear progression – Increasing load on each of 5 attempts.
x911m Row
x75 Burpee Ball Heave (50/40) *Lane:Lane minimum
x75 Box ON/OVER Burpee (24/20)