Forged Friday
Every Friday at New Species CrossFit, we take the time to honor our U.S. Military and First Responders. For if it weren’t for the men and women in these roles, we would not be afforded the freedom and safety we experience in our homes, neighborhoods, cities, state and country. With that in mind, let us all work extra hard today in order to honor Marine Lance Cpl. Caleb L. Erickson who
Died February 28, 2014 Serving During Operation Enduring Freedom. Lance Corporal Erickson was 20 year of age from Waseca, Minn.; assigned to 1st Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Lejeune, N.C.; died Feb. 28, while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan.
Let us honor Lance Corporal Erickson today and all those who serve and have served.
-God Bless America
2m AP
4m RC (JJ/MC/HR)
Buy In
x5 minutes of Hoover Catch (14# Ball)
*small groups
WOD #1
Row 1.5k FTx
WOD #2
*9 min. AMRAP of:
x7 PullUps
x7 GST
x7 Box Up/Over (24/20)
March 14, 2014by webteam